ko takitimu toku maunga
ko aparima toku awa
ko takitimu toku waka
ko rarotoka raua ko rakiura toku motu
ko murihiku raua ko ngatangiia toku whenua
ko waitaha/rapuwai, kati mamoe, ngati ira, ngati tuhaitara, kati kuri, kai tahu raua, tainui – ngati haua ko rarotonga toku iwi
Terry has been involved with the Rūnanga and has been the Hokonui Te Rūnanga O Ngāi Tahu representative since January 1999.
His special interest is building succession out of settlement - “mo tatou, a, mo ka uri a muri ake nei”.
Terry works tirelessly to protect and enhance spiritual, cultural, organisational, educational and economic aspirations of Hokonui Rūnanga, serving its members and the wider whānau to position the Rūnanga as one of the key stake holders in the community.
His vision for the future is for Hokonui Rūnanga to be a leading organisation well positioned back in its role where it has been absent for so long.