Great turnout at community service providers collective hui
On Tuesday 14 March 2023, Hokonui Rūnanga hosted a hui to bring together representatives from the many social service providers in our rohe. About 30 representatives took time out of their busy lives to attend, connect and provide invaluable insights.
The hui was part of Whānau as First Navigators - an iwi-led early support and prevention programme that focuses on strengthening whānau.
The programme supports whānau wellbeing, through and with social service providers, so that tamariki and whānau can lead their own aspirations.
The hui provided a great opportunity for the many social service providers in our rohe to connect and share their insights.
Building better community connections
The purpose of the hui was to discuss ways the Hokonui Rūnanga Health and Social Services Trust can better connect and work with other service providers - to ensure better outcomes for whānau. The goal is to strengthen Rūnanga and community provider partnerships to ensure multi-levelled intervention pathways are accessible, timely and appropriate for whānau.
The hui provided an opportunity for providers to get together in one room, connect, and share their experiences.
A big thank you to the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Whānau as First Navigators Team for facilitating the event (see photo below). Thanks also to the Hokonui Rūnanga Health and Social Services Team for their input into a productive and successful event (Meet our team here).
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Whānau as First Navigators team l-r: Robyn Wallace, Deirdre Richardson, Phoebe Gardiner, Tahu Russel, and Monique Tupai.
Penny Nicholas, Whānau as First Navigators Project Lead at Hokonui, was particularly interested in finding out from the hui what the Rūnanga needs to work on to better connect with other service providers and to identify any potential gaps in service. She stated that: “Today’s turnout was better than I could have expected and I value the openess and honesty of all the participants.”
Next steps - to collate the information and insights shared and to report back findings. Watch this space!
Posted: 16 March 2023